
The toast master

The FIRST Post!

OKAY! Here we go. Post number one. Don't get bored yet.

I think I'll just start with things I like, then.
In order.
Or something.

I do play minecraft, as a matter of fact. I don't do much but play with close friends and by myself, so I'm not famous or anything. Why would I be? Pfft.

I also have a steam account, with Portal, Portal 2, Terraria (although I am a newb and know absolutely nothing), and Dungeon Defenders. Enough of video games...

Fiction and fantasy are the best. Period. Well, I basically like EVERY kind of book, but I pretend to like those two the most. Are you a hardcore, obsessed reader? Well, I'm not. But in my own opinion I USED to be.

Just if you were wondering, I am NOT fat. I just like unhealthy things. As do most people I know.I have this thing for chocolate and toast (not chocolate ON toast, although that might be pretty good...). I like chips, assorted candies, cookies, etc. But who doesn't?

What sport? I'm not telling. Its a secret! But I play often, and that's how I burn off all of that junk food... Erm, I never said that. Well, passing that point, I really like to cycle, run, and play random games with my friends. Also, I sometimes just chuck a disc around in the park by myself. Common? NOPE. Lame? ABSOLUTELY.  But I have fun, and I don't really care if some random person comes out to the field and sees someone throwing a toy around like a maniac. Well, that might be a bit exaggerated.

Everything in the whole entire world? NOPE. Chuck Testa. But I just like a lot of things, and of course I don't have the brains to remember what I like at 10:30. (PM).

So, that's everything I can think of at the moment. I'll post something different later, maybe tomorrow. If you're even reading this. Bye-byers!

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